How Many Layers of Eyelashes Do We Have?

Using different lengths, diameters, and fan widths can drastically alter the appearance of finished eyelashes. Eyelashes are hairs that grow in three layers at the edge of the eyelids. Unlike body hair, eyelash follicles do not have arector pili muscles, meaning that the eyelashes do not change position in response to cold or strong emotions. The upper and lower marginal arteries of the ophthalmic artery supply the upper and lower eyelids respectively.

The upper arch is located between the Muller muscle and the elevator aponeurosis, while the lower eyelid may have one or two arches, but they are farther from the margin of the eyelid, at the lower edge of the tarsal plate. The internal carotid artery supplies the eyelids through the ophthalmic artery and the external carotid artery through the angular and temporal arteries. The anatomy of eyelashes differs from hair on other parts of the body in many ways. Knowledge of these differences is essential when addressing problems with the eyelids, eyelid margins, and eyelashes.

Dyschiasis, or double eyelashes, is a rare condition in which you have two rows of eyelashes. The upper eyelid has 100 to 160 eyelashes on average, while the average number of eyelashes on the lower eyelid is 70 to 80. When styling eyelashes, it's important to understand how layers can affect their overall appearance. To get an idea of how many layers your client has, use two fingers to gently lift their eyelid and turn their head to see the lashes from one side.

To create a complete and dark set of lashes, it's essential to apply extensions to each layer. For clients with naturally straight lashes or that point downwards, consider using a curlier extension such as a “D” curl in the lower layer to lift them up. It's also important to remember that losing four lashes per day is a normal part of the cycle. When removing lashes with adhesive tape, use a pair of straight tweezers to remove the lower layer from under it.

Applying eye makeup and extensions for too long, removing extensions, allergies to mascara or glue used for extensions can cause them to fall out. Without them, people may feel like they look like reptiles such as lizards, snakes or crocodiles.

Marlene Manwaring
Marlene Manwaring

Infuriatingly humble twitter geek. Freelance internet practitioner. Hipster-friendly food maven. Subtly charming beer buff. Award-winning zombie geek.