The Ultimate Guide to Growing Longer and Thicker Eyelashes

Having long and thick eyelashes is a dream for many people. But what really helps your eyelashes grow? The only proven remedy for lengthening eyelashes is to use medications carefully. Bimatoprost (Latisse) is the only medication approved by the U. S.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that makes eyelashes grow longer and thicker. However, there are other natural remedies that can help you achieve the same results. One of these remedies is Bliss Of Greece oil, which is made with a combination of 100% natural oils, including olive, lavender, almond and grape seed oils. You can easily remove the top of the aerosol bottle and immerse it in the mascara rod to collect the oil and apply it to your eyelashes.

This formula is organic, vegan and has the backing of more than 24,300 Amazon critics. Alternatively, you can simply grab a little bit of coconut oil with your fingertips, rub it with your fingers and then rub your eyelashes. This will transfer coconut oil to your lashes to increase softness and strength. If you're looking for a high-quality coconut oil, Maple Holistics' 100% pure coconut oil is a therapeutic grade oil that you can easily apply to your eyelashes to promote growth. Some reviewers say they've seen their hair grow (both on their eyelashes and others) since using this oil.

It's also cold pressed, so it's not as processed as other coconut oils out there. Another option is Rimmel mascara, which can perform a double function: to darken your eyelashes and, at the same time, to nourish them to grow. Designed to make your lashes look more than 100% longer in just 30 days, this mascara makes some bold claims. But fans back it up, and critics indicate that this pick improved the length and strength of their lashes with continued use. Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential for healthy eyelash growth. These fatty acids are found naturally in certain foods, such as fish such as salmon, mackerel and oysters, and even in flax and chia seeds.

However, they can also be found in dietary supplements such as fish oil. According to Dr. Alston, a board-certified dermatologist from Riverton, Utah, this supplement may “provide essential oils that are useful for eyelash health”.For a high-performance mascara option, Talika created a cosmetic hybrid with many benefits from her cult favorite serum. It contains an ingredient that improves eyelashes with each use, regardless of length.

It's “rich in coleus forskohlii”, says Murphy-Rose, “a natural pigmentation enhancer to darken eyelashes”. It's also packed with peptides. Eyelash growth serums can be risky, so if you're looking for something safer you can try an eyelash conditioner instead. These products moisturize and strengthen lashes to help them look lush and full without actually affecting them. Other culprits for killing eyelashes are improperly applied eyelash extensions and even your trusty eyelash curler if you use it incorrectly. If the strands on your head are scarce, your eyelashes are too according to Soul Lee, an eyebrow and eyelash extension specialist at Beautiful Soul Studio in New York City.

The Better Not Younger formula includes a peptide complex designed to help eyelashes look healthier and has been shown to increase eyelash density by up to 82%. For use on eyelashes, apply one or two drops of castor oil to a clean cotton swab and brush it along the lash line. Latisse is the only FDA-approved eyelash growth serum on the market. According to Tsippora Shainhouse MD FAAD, a dermatologist with private practice in Los Angeles, your eyelashes could be on the shorter side for several reasons. Eye makeup, mucus, and oil can stick to those lashes (even eyelash glue if you like extensions), build up too much build-up and limit eyelash growth even causing one or two flaps to fall out. In the case of alopecia areata, eyelash loss can last for months or years according to King.

The serum contains a blend of vitamins peptides and amino acids to help naturally make eyelashes longer and thicker. There are also cosmetic treatments such as eyelash extensions and false eyelashes that can help you recreate the look of your eyelashes if you've lost all your natural ones. If you're stopping using eyelash extensions or if your lashes have fallen out and you're trying to get them back this growth cycle can feel like a lifetime. It may sound basic but brushing your lashes is a great way to make them appear longer and promote growth since they spend most of their time hanging or falling out it's understandable that it can take a second for them to grow.

Marlene Manwaring
Marlene Manwaring

Infuriatingly humble twitter geek. Freelance internet practitioner. Hipster-friendly food maven. Subtly charming beer buff. Award-winning zombie geek.