The Benefits of Eyelash Extensions: Why You Should Consider Getting Them

Are you looking for a way to instantly enhance your eyes and boost your confidence? Eyelash extensions are the perfect solution. They are semi-permanent fibers that adhere to your natural lashes, making them look longer, fuller, and darker. Not only will you get compliments on your new look, but you'll also be able to wake up beautiful every day for at least a month before needing to recharge your extensions. Individual eyelash extensions are applied to each of your natural lashes with a semi-permanent glue.

Neither mink nor silk extensions last longer than the other, but mink and silk tend to look more natural while synthetic lashes can be thicker and darker. Once applied, eyelash extensions should last the half-life of natural eyelashes, which ranges from six weeks to two months. If you're trying to decide if eyelash extensions are right for you or not, it's wise to weigh the pros and cons of applying them. Here are 13 key points that will help you understand what makes eyelash extension treatments worth their weight in gold:

  • They instantly enhance your eyes dramatically.
  • They make your eyes look bigger, brighter, and more youthful.
  • They highlight the color of your eyes.
  • You'll get compliments on your new look.
  • Your confidence will increase.
  • You'll be able to wake up beautiful every day for at least a month before needing to recharge your extensions.
  • You won't need to use mascara or other type of eye makeup.
  • They are semi-permanent fibers that stick to natural lashes.
  • They make your lashes appear longer, thicker, and darker.
  • They last the half-life of natural eyelashes.
  • You can choose between mink, silk, or synthetic lashes.
  • If any breakage or fall occurs, it should resolve on its own in one to three months.
  • You can clean and re-fluff your eyelashes with a soft eyeshadow brush dipped in water.
If you're considering getting eyelash extensions, make sure to clarify with your technician what the best aftercare protocol is for your specific set.

Refrain from pulling, rubbing, or applying any type of oily formula. You can also try to speed up the process by using oil-based cleansers or eye creams to help loosen the eyelash glue.

Marlene Manwaring
Marlene Manwaring

Infuriatingly humble twitter geek. Freelance internet practitioner. Hipster-friendly food maven. Subtly charming beer buff. Award-winning zombie geek.