Where Does Kylie Jenner Get Her Eyelashes Done? An Expert's Guide

Kylie Jenner is no stranger to beauty procedures, and her eyelashes are no exception. She has admitted to getting eyelash extensions, and her go-to place for them is the Star Lash Beauty Bar in Sherman Oaks, California. Kylie's younger sister has also shared a selfie on Instagram that shows off her gorgeous lashes. But where does Kylie Jenner get her eyelash extensions? Kylie has been getting eyelash extensions at the Star Lash Beauty Bar in Sherman Oaks, California, for about 6 years.

Yris Palmer, founder of Star Lash Beauty Bar, is one of Kylie's best friends. The Kardashian and Jenner sisters all love eyelash extensions, and they also use fakes, including Kylie herself. Hrush Achemyan creates a layered “effect” by “building and layering” individual false eyelashes for Kylie. Kylie is also a big fan of eyelash extensions and, according to famous eyelash expert Clementina Richardson, eyelash extensions need to be customized.

Achieving the Kylie look requires you to stack your strappy lashes twice or, better yet, even stack them three times. Well, luckily, when it comes to eyelash extensions, things are pretty standard, usually you should leave a 20 to 25 percent tip. Kylie recommends the Eyeko Eye Do liquid eyeliner because it is “carbon-proof”, waterproof and has a “WIDELASH eyelash enhancer”. While Jenner's left eyelashes looked natural and clear, those on the right looked much thicker, darker and longer.

And in another Instagram post, famous makeup artist Ariel Tejada used Lilly Ghalichi's Miami Lashes 3D to make up Kylie. Huda Kattan, founder of the cosmetics empire Huda Beauty, based in the United Arab Emirates, is the woman behind the favorite eyelashes of the Kardashian-Jenner clan. If there's one thing we've learned from Kylie Jenner's beauty routine it's that eyelash extensions and false eyelashes are the most transformative beauty products you can use. You can still get beautiful eyelashes inspired by Kylie Jenner as long as your standards are high and your expectations are reasonable.

The individual eyelashes that are applied are undeniably glamorous and feminine and come at a surprisingly low price. So if you're looking for a way to get beautiful lashes like Kylie Jenner's without breaking the bank, then you should definitely consider getting eyelash extensions at Star Lash Beauty Bar in Sherman Oaks, California.

Marlene Manwaring
Marlene Manwaring

Infuriatingly humble twitter geek. Freelance internet practitioner. Hipster-friendly food maven. Subtly charming beer buff. Award-winning zombie geek.