Eyelash extensions can be a great way to enhance your look, but it's important to be aware of the potential risks. It's possible for the adhesive in the eyelash glue and the solvents used to remove it to cause poisoning and serious injury. Allergic reactions and corneal damage are also possible side effects. In addition, eyelash extensions can increase the risk of bacterial and fungal eye infections.
To reduce the risk of these issues, it's important to use a smaller amount of adhesive and add an “activator” such as water to reduce curing time. However, it's important to use only small amounts of water, as larger droplets can cause the adhesive to harden due to shock, leading to brittleness and blooming. If you or someone you know is experiencing mild reactions to eyelash glue, there are a few things that can be done at home to ease the discomfort. It's also important to choose the right products, apply them correctly, and take good care of them.
Eyelash artists may develop an allergy to glue by inhaling the strong smoke of eyelash glue for an extended period of time. It's not uncommon for someone to suddenly become allergic to eyelash glue, even if they weren't before. The best mascara for eyelash extensions is one that comes off easily and isn't waterproof or water-resistant. This will help prevent damage to natural lashes or extensions when removing it.
It's also important to consider the health status of the customer when applying eyelash extensions. If they're only sensitive during regular allergy seasons, such as spring or fall, it's recommended to remove the extensions during those times. If you or someone you know has eyelash glue in their eye, rinse it off and call the Missouri Poison Center right away. Overall, eyelash extensions can be a great way to enhance your look if you take the necessary precautions.
Make sure you choose the right products, apply them correctly, and take good care of them.